Understanding the New Pipelines Tools

The new Pipelines help agencies efficiently manage client relationships by organizing processes into distinct pipelines. They allow you to track progress with a drag-and-drop interface and customize opportunity stages to fit.

Understanding the New Pipelines Tools

The new Pipelines feature in the navigation menu provides several areas to help you efficiently manage client relationships. This powerful tool organizes various processes into distinct pipelines, allowing you to track progress at every step using a simple drag-and-drop interface. Additionally, you can create custom opportunity stages and configure the order of these stages to fit your team’s unique workflow, making the tool adaptable to your specific needs.

Renewal Overview 

The Renewal pipeline helps you manage renewal opportunities through five customizable stages tailored to match your specific workflow. To ensure an opportunity is included, mark it as a renewal.  Renewal Center & Pipeline View


Opportunities Overview

The Opportunities pipeline focuses on managing prospects and leads and cross-selling, guiding them through five customizable stages to fit your sales process.  New Business & Cross-selling Opportunities & Pipeline View


Service Requests Overview

This pipeline displays the status of all assigned service requests, providing a clear, real-time overview to help you prioritize and manage tasks efficiently. Again, we give you tools to customize the pipeline stages to best suit your niche in the insurance industry.  


Task Overview

The Task pipeline shows the current status of all tasks. Agency admins have access to view all tasks across the agency, improving team coordination.


Endorsements Overview

The Endorsement pipeline provides a snapshot of the status of each endorsement, helping you efficiently manage endorsement workflows.


Customizing the Pipeline

Each pipeline is fully customizable. You can add opportunity stages by navigating to 

  • MISCELLANEOUS (right menu)
  • Agency Customization 
  • Opportunity Stages.
  • Add New > save
Within each pipeline’s configurator, you have the flexibility to select and arrange the stages in an order that best aligns with your agency’s operations, ensuring that your workflows are tailored to your team's specific needs.
 For any questions or further assistance, please contact our support team at help@nowcerts.com