InfusionSoft Integration (Part 1)

InfusionSoft Integration (Part 1)


InfusionSoft Integration (Beta)

To export records to InfusionSoft, follow these steps:

1. Prior to exporting data, you will need to authorize your InfusionSoft account with NowCerts (on the "Export to InfusionSoft" page). Once authenticated, you will see three lists (Insureds, Prospects, & Policies) available to export:

2. The checkboxes let you select the records to be exported. Click on the blue "Export to InfusionSoft" button to export the batch of records you selected.

Besides mass record exporting, it's also possible to export individual records for Insureds, Prospects, and Policies from their "Details" pages:

Note: In order to export Policies, your custom fields should match the following structure:

Currently, we support up to 5 policies. This means you can have custom fields with names like this:

Policy 1 Number

Policy 2 Number

Policy 3 Number

Policy 4 Number

Policy 5 Number

... and the same for the rest of the fields:

Policy 1 Effective Date

Policy 2 Effective Date

Policy 3 Effective Date


Policy 1 Line of Business

Policy 2 Line of Business

Policy 3 Line of Business

... and so on

The names of the custom fields should match these names exactly!

Tags: We are in the process of adding tag categories and labels to the Insured structureThese will be used to define the events and trigger the appropriate campaign. We will publish that list in our next post.

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