Honor Capital Step by Step Instructions

Honor Capital Step by Step Instructions




In order to use the said integration please follow the steps below.

A: How to set it up:

1. Go to an agency then click Profile.

2. Once on the profile page click Configure API.

3. After clicking Configure API, scroll down to the very bottom and you'll see Honor Capital Settings. Input Username and Password.  

Honor Capital



4. Click Update.

B. How to use it:

After clicking update. You may now go to an Insured.

1-2 On Insured Page click Documents > External Finance Agreements.

3-5 Within the External Finance Agreements page. You now see the existing agreements. You can either Add New, Delete, or Download an External Finance Agreement.

6-7 If you decided to add a new External Finance Agreement, select any policy/policies that you want then click  Next.

**Please take note that you can select multiple policies.

8 After clicking next, you can now save and push the data to Honor Capital by clicking Save and Push Data to Honor Capital.

After following all the steps given above and finally clicking Save and Push Data to Honor Capital. This pop-up should show indicating that the process has been successful.

You should be redirected to the External Finance Agreement page and can now see the newly created agreement as shown below.