
Pipelines is a new area on the navigation menu with multiple areas to help you manage your clients further.

  • Renewal Overview:

This pipeline will help you manage your renewals. With this area you are able to take your renewal opportunities through five stages which you can choose. To put a opportunity into this pipeline make sure the the opportunity is checked as a renewal as seen above.



  • Opportunities Overview:

This pipeline will help you take your prospects/leads through five stages of your choosing. 



  • Service requests overview:

This pipeline will easily display which status each service request assigned to you is in.



  • Task Overview

This pipeline will display all of your tasks and which one each status is in. Or if you are an agency admin you will see all of the agencies tasks.



  • Endorsements overview

This pipeline will give you an overview as to which status each endorsement is in.





Customizing the Pipeline: 

Within each pipeline you will be able to select the drop down of each stage to adjust each pipeline to fit your workflows.